This first-of-its-kind plant executes Fortera’s patented ReCarb® process technology on a commercial scale, while also providing the building and industrial sectors with a scalable solution to drastically reduce carbon emissions.
Located on CalPortland’s campus at Redding, CA, the Fortera Redding ReCarb® Plant takes industrial CO2 from CalPortland’s kiln and mineralizes it through Fortera’s patented ReCarb® process, creating ReAct® — the market leader in green cement solution.
Our focus to work alongside our customers will pave a path to zero CO2 cement production by upcycling carbon emissions directly from the kiln. The ReCarb® Plant in Redding, CA USA is a small commercial plant producing 15,000 tons of green cement a year with 9,600 tons a year of direct carbon avoidance.
High CO2 Avoidance
Good Strength to Weight Ratio Rapid Curing at Elevated Temperatures Dimensionally Stable
Superior Whiteness